"With Pomp, Power & Glory the world beckons vainly, In chase of such vanities why should I roam?While Peace & Content bless my little thatched cottage,And warm my own hearth with the Treasures of Home."*Beatrix Potter

Monday 5 October 2015

Early Autumn Days

We have been enjoying some beautiful sunny days here in the Lincolnshire countryside.
Autumn has come upon us with warm days and gentle turning leaves.
Our garden is still giving us such delights to place upon our table, it has been an abundant year.
Apples are ripening into a beautiful deep red and I have been busy putting them in to crumbles for the freezer. Chutneys are next with apples, pears and green tomatoes.
Our garden has blessed us once again.
This is such a busy time of year with preserving what we have grown and tidying the garden ready for the Winter.
I made this boiled fruit cake, it is becoming a family favourite.

We have been using our old 1930's car quite a lot, taking it to a few nearby towns. It is such a fun car to travel in and brings a smile to folks on the way.

We have apples in abundance so many different types of apple puddings have been made.
This is a sponge pudding with apples and some gifted Victoria Plums.
4oz's of margarine beaten with 4 oz's of white sugar, then add 4 oz's of wholemeal self raising flour, 2 eggs and a drop of almond essence. Beat well with a little milk and pour batter over fruit that has sugar on. Bake for around 40 minutes in a moderate oven.
We enjoy this with cream.

We took our old car to a classic car show in our village. The day was glorious and the girls enjoyed it down by the lake, it was a lovely event with some wonderful old cars and a lovely cake stall.

The twins love the suitcase shelf in the car.

We had a beautiful day in Lincoln and had a very English afternoon tea up on Steep Hill.

While putting in a new fence on one side of our garden we found a few treasures. We hired a mini digger for a couple of days as so much land needed levelling. We found the old rubbish dump, whole bottles kept coming out of the earth, it was amazing.

We also found this old metal sign buried, it took quite a bit of work getting it out whole, we could not believe what we had found.
After a little research we found the shop it had come from 5 miles away.
I love this old photo.

Some of the many bottles and pots we found all washed up.
They have now found homes all around the cottage.

A marble cake for Saturday tea with a chocolate topping.

The beetroot has done so well once again.

Scones for Sunday tea.

We purchased a new dresser a few months ago.
The back boards are so wide, it is an early Georgian one.

The girls helping to make lemon drizzle cake.
They love to bake.

It was delicious.
This is a recipe we were given years ago, it makes such a soft cake.

Cream together 5ozs margarine, 6 ozs sugar and grated rind of a lemon.
Add 8 ozs self raising flour, 2 eggs and 2 floz of whole milk.
Bake in a round cake tin for 45 minutes at 160.
Squeeze lemon juice over cake whilst still hot then sprinkle with three tablespoons of sugar over the top.
Leave to cool before removing it from the tin.

I found these beautiful early 1930's Good Housekeeping magazines the other day.
They are full of beautiful fashions and baking.
I love the old adverts.

A mountain of apples.
The weather has been glorious these last few weeks.

I found Delia's Book of Cakes in a charity shop, I was so pleased as I had been looking for it for a while.
I decided to bake the wholemeal Madeira cake with lemon icing.

All ready for Saturday tea.
It was so beautiful and soft.

Kitty enjoying this beautiful weather we have been having all dressed up in her flower fairy costume in the garden.

Apples picked for some crumbles to put in the freezer.

Harvest Festival in our little church.
The twins made these little decorations to put around the font for the service.

On the day before the service we went to decorate the church.

Home picked produce for the Harvest Festival.

Every year we have a Harvest Meal after the service in the village hall.
I made Eve's pudding to bring.

My husband bought me these lovely old Miss Read books, some are first editions. 
I am really enjoying reading the Miss Read books and can't wait for my evening read and to get back in to Miss Read's world. Along with H E Bates and Nella Last these are my favourites.

Sweet George loves to sit on these old flour buckets.

A fresh bloomer loaf for tea.

The leaves are starting to turn all around us.
This is the first tree to change colour in our garden, it is such a pretty colour.

A little hooked pumpkin mat I hooked a few years ago comes out for another year.

I am on the last section of this 1930's cardigan finally. It has been a long pattern to do, maybe something smaller next.

Thank you dear reader's for your lovely comment's and welcome to my new followers that have found me through Instagram.
Happy Autumn to everyone.
Fondly Michelle


  1. Michelle, I always enjoy visiting your charming home. Your baked goods look delightful! Thank you for sharing your cherished recipes. The twins are getting taller--so cute--lovely flowers for your church. Your car is just the perfect ride for you and your family. Enjoy your autumn days! ♥

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen,
      We do enjoy our harvest time in the village. Yes the girls are growing far to fast.
      Fondly Michelle

  2. Love your fabulous car, Im sure my dad used to have one of those, what fun to drive round in it.All your bakes look lovely now my kids have flown I dont bake that often but I do enjoy it. Cant wait to see your cardigan when its finished, I'm knitting socks for Christmas. So glad I found your lovely blog, Im slowly reading all of your back posts and enjoying every one of them just need to find the beetroot recipe! Xx

    1. Hello, so glad you are enjoying the blog.
      I will send you to beetroot pickle recipe tomorrow. If I forget please message me.
      Fondly Michelle

  3. My goodness, what a treasure filled post! I remember growing up on the prairies and occasionally we would come across an old rubbish heap with glass bottles. So exciting at any age! All your bakes look delicious, and your 'new' cupboard looks like it has always been there.
    Enjoy your Autumn,

  4. Thank you Jen for your lovely comment. Yes finding all those items was such fun, a happy day.
    Fondly Michelle

  5. I love, love, love all the photos you share! They are all just so idyllic! :) Your cottage (and the car parked in front) are absolutely perfect!!! Wish I lived closer so I could visit! :D

    1. Thank you Katy you are welcome to visit
      Enjoy this Autumn day.
      Fondly Michelle

  6. What a wonderful post so full of amazing baking you are an inspiration. It has certainly been a glorious few weeks weather wise, shame about the rain right now. What a great find the bottles and the sign.

    1. Yes the weather has turned so in to the kitchen I go.
      Enjoy Autumn.
      Fondly Michelle

  7. I felt today as if I went to the most wonderful place. I want to make the sponge pudding, you did not state the amount of milk though.. It looks really nice. As for the old car i could imagine myself driving around in it. My Garden has pretty much stopped except for a eggplant comming about some chard and a few carrots little flowers Autumn is such a change but welcomed.. I wish I could crochet or knit better can wait to see the finished product. Happy Autumn my dear, I truly enjoyed my visit with you. Have a most wonderfully blessed day the twins looked great with love Janice

    1. Thank you Janice for your lovely comment
      Just a large drop of milk, it just depends on the mixture. It is just a soft sponge.
      Enjoy your day, we have rain so a day spent inside which I love.
      Fondly Michelle

  8. Such a pure delight! Isn't it wonderful to be able to pick the fruits of our gardens and know they will bring us delicious nourishment through the coming months of Winter? The occupation of preparing takes the edge of the wretched weather that is upon us at present.
    George is a handsome fellow. I love that picture of him. He looks as if he owns the spot.
    I think I will make Miss Read my place to revisit over the coming months. It has been a while since I read the series.
    Enjoy your Autumn, whatever the weather.

    1. Oh please do, I love the books and a way of village life that has gone really.
      It is wet again today so the kitchen it is to be today.
      Enjoy your day, lovely talking to you on Instagram.
      Fondly Michelle

  9. Dear Michelle, graces for sharing his recipes, every baked one meets precious. The detail of the flowers for the church is marvellous especially accompanied of a few so handsome girls! An embrace for all!. Mary Carmen.

    1. Thank you Mary.
      Hope you enjoy the recipes.
      Fondly Michelle

  10. What lovely photos of your country life... I enjoyed this very much. And the find of the signs and bottles, that is such a special thing!

    1. Yes Jes it was lovely finding the finds
      Enjoy this Autumn day.
      Fondly Michelle

  11. Dear Michelle, I always look forward to your posts and love hearing what is new in your part of the world. What a treasure to find all those old bottles not to mention that amazing sign.
    Your baking looks so yummy as usual. The twins are growing and so cute. They are so photogenic. Fall has come to our area and we have had a killing frost but the weather has been so beautiful that one hates to spend any time indoors. I must look up those books you are reading and try to order them. They look really good.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. No frost here yet just rain and a couple of dark days.
      Thank you for your lovely comment, yes the twins are growing to fast.
      Fondly Michelle

  12. What a lovely post, love all your cakes and baking. My boys love to bake too. Cheese scones right from the oven are a favourite. Your cardigan looks asif it is going to be really warm and cosy. Love your old car too. Take care and a lovely week to you all. Pam in Norway

    1. Hello Pam,
      Cheese scones sound beautiful.
      Thank you for your kind words.
      Fondly Michelle

  13. A lovely post I have followed your blog since the beginning and so look forward to them. I now follow you on Instagram . I love Miss Read came across her years ago, last winter I read all her series again her words paint a lovely picture of village life.

    1. Thank you Diane for your lovely comment.
      I find Instagram so much easier as the blog, the blog does take more time.
      Enjoy this Autumn day
      Fondly Michelle

  14. I love reading your posts there so homely, warm and inviting you have a beautiful home. Love to see your still baking in ozs to I have the same scales as you and I love them and always have to convert new recipes. You have been busy baking it looks delicious. Love your finds those bottles are gorgeous and what a fabulous sign so good to see where it came from originally to that's so exciting. Your car is lovely and the car show looked smashing. Your harvest festival looked so yummy and the girls look so sweet with their pretty flower arrangements. Enjoy your week ahead. dee xx

  15. Thank you Dee for your kind words.
    Yes harvest was lovely, we did enjoy it.
    Enjoy this Atumn day, kitchen for me as it is raining.
    Fondly Michelle

  16. Hello Michelle, I have to say your blog is my all time favourite, I love the simple lifestyle you lead, you have a beautiful family and home. x

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, I am so glad you enjoy the blog.
      Fondly Michelle

  17. Hello Michelle, As you are heading into Autumn we are moving into summer. It has been lovely reading all about your life. So nice to see all your lovely pictures as well. Your little girls are so sweet and you dress them so well. Thank you for sharing all your news.
    Blessings Gail.

    1. Hello Gail and thank you for your sweet words
      Enjoy your Summer.
      Fondly Michelle

  18. Michelle, I enjoyed catching up on your life and living the village life vicariously through you! Lovely!

    1. Hello Cathy, so glad you enjoy our village life. I am struggling at the moment to catch up properly with blogs as our laptop is playing up that is why it took me so long to do a post. I enjoyed reading through your older posts.
      Fondly Michelle

  19. And I am one of the delighted ones, who found you on Instagram!!!!!

    Love everything about this post. Love everything about your life style. It brings Joy to this 'olden' gal, to know that people do still live this way, in the midst of this awful world we now inhabit.

    Many, many gentle hugs,
    Upper NE of the US

    1. Hello Tessa and so lovely to hear from you.
      We try to keep life simple and live n the past as much as we can but modern life does have a way of creeping in.
      Enjoy this Autumn day.
      Fondly Michelle

  20. It's like a step back in time to read your lovely posts full of beautiful pictures, old cars, and delicious looking delicacies!

    1. Thank you for your kind words.
      Fondly Michelle

  21. Thank you so much, I enjoy times gone by.
    Fondly Michelle

  22. I love to see a new post from your lovely home as I know it will be full of wonderful pictures of beautiful things!
    It's a good apple year here too. I hope we will save some wrapped in newspaper and stored in a box.
    I've read and gradually collected all the Miss Read books. The village school is Exactly the same as the one I went to in the early 1960's - 2 classrooms, 2 teachers and a real mix of less than 50.

    1. Lovely to hear from you Sue.
      Yes it has been good for apples and we to hope to store some.
      Fondly Michelle

  23. Hello Michelle,
    Oh my all the goodies look divine:-) If I had that car I would be driving in it all the time. My grandfather had an old 1930's car we called the Bonnie & Clyde car-they were famous gangsters in the States. He would take us all over the fields in it as it was no longer road registered, but what fun! Enjoyed the visit:-)

    1. Your Grandfather sounded like good fun, happy memories.
      Lovely talking to you on I G
      Fondly Michelle

  24. Your home and children always fill my heart with sweet memories of my children and grandchildren now grown. I enjoyed peeking in for a visit. Thank you for sharing. Many blessings to you & family.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment
      Happy Autumn
      Fondly Michelle

  25. Your cakes, crumbles and scones look so delicious! It is such a pleasure to bake this time of year; so very cozy! Your knitting looks lovely. The yarn is a very pretty color. Your dear daughters have so much fun. : ) What a blessing for them to have a mother like you!

    1. Thank you Sarah for your lovely words, I love spending time with the children but they grow up so fast.
      I can't believe your little one is one.
      Fondly Michelle

  26. Great post - difficult to pick out my favourite images! Love your vintage car.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

    1. Thank you Liz, the car is such a happy little one.
      Fondly Michelle

  27. What a wonderful post, as always. Some lovely baking done (Lemon Drizzle is one of my favourite cakes). Your knitting is drawing to a close and I am sure you will be glad to be wearing it and starting on another pattern. I am juggling between the crochet cushion cover and the knitted teddy right now (crochet is winning as I did 5 hrs' knitting on Sunday).

    Like you, we have some excellent apple trees in the garden which will keep us provided for until the end of winter.

    Your girls look so lovely, and it's great that they love to bake too. I am so glad you put up proper Harvest festival baskets. Here, the school used to just ask for tinned goods which seemed such a shame.

    That little hooked pumpkin mat is so sweet. I need to get back to my rag rug - I'm still at the cutting out strips stage.

    I also got some Miss Read books recently and am re-reading them with pleasure. As you said, it is lovely to slip back into her world.

  28. Thank you for your kind words.
    I have seen your teddy and tried to leave a comment but it just wouldn't let me leave one.
    The cardigan has been a long knit and my arm is with it so something smaller next time I think
    Fondly Michelle

  29. Every post of yours, my darling Michelle, talks about the love you have in your heart and you do everything with ... I love your home, so very old, telling so many stories about the past with its furniture, your cakes - I also love to make cakes, that's one of the thing I do prefer doing together with gardening - love your adorable twin girls and your George, his glance and expression talk about such a lot of gratification !
    With much gratitude I wish you all the best, sending love and hugs with all my heart, have a blessed end of the week ahead too.

  30. Dear Michelle , tomorrow my parents come to my house to eat and wueria make lemon cake , but do not know what means the word floz milk , I could say an amount ?. Michelle thank you very much . A hug.

    1. Flozs means fluid ounces a measurement of liquid.
      Hope you enjoyed the lemon cake and your parents had a lovely visit.
      Fondly Michelle

  31. Dear Michelle,
    Your sweet pictures and words of the lovely, simple, everyday pleasures in life are a breath of fresh air. I find inspiration to slow down and enjoy each day, to look at the beauty around me, and add loving touches to help create a warm, happy atmosphere at home. There is so much to be thankful for ~
    Have a lovely day,

    1. Yes there is so much to be thankful for.
      So glad you enjoyed the post.
      Fondly Michelle

  32. Michelle - i haven't visited your blog for a while ... but am so pleased I did this evening.
    What a lovely post, fascinating read and great photo's.
    Thank you so much for sharing.

    All the best Jan

    1. So glad you enjoyed your visit Jan.
      Fondly Michelle

  33. dear michelle,
    lovely post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the cakes look delicious.thanks for the recipe! the bloomer loaf looks wonderful,too.your house must smell wonderful!!!
    i re read my books of mrs.read, i love the story!
    your knitting project have a beautiful colour....
    thanks for all the wonderful photos .
    can you tell me how do you make beetrot-apple chutney?
    have a nice time,

    1. I'll post the beetroot apple chutney next time.
      Thank you for your kind words
      Fondly Michelle

  34. I love to see your blog posts , My favourite cookery books are delia smith . I have her book of cakes too , I learnt to cook by reading her books xxx

    1. Lovely. I have just done her chunky Apple cake x

  35. Hi Michelle!
    Another lovely post! Your baking always makes me want to go to the kitchen and try something new. I love the twins decorating the church photos. They are just adorable. Miss Read is a favorite too, and it's always nice to see Sweet George.
    Happy Autumn to you and enjoy your days! ♥

    1. Happy Autumn to you to Anne.
      So glad you enjoyed the post.
      Fondly Michelle xx

  36. Wow... what a simply wonderful and fun post.. Love your baking.. How I would love to taste one of your cakes.. smile.. The girls are so sweet and your home is something out of one of the UK books that I so love to read.. Take care,dear heart.. xo

    1. Thank you Faye for your kind comment.
      So glad you enjoy reading English country books, so do I.
      Fondly Michelle

  37. Hello Michelle,

    I don't remember quite how but the other day I stumbled upon your Instagram and then this blog. I've spent quite a few stolen moments -- supposed to be knitting some sleeves -- over the past few days wandering through your little country world -- and cottage.
    My family and I spent a disastrous year in England, two years ago now yet your images evoke that England I thought we would be getting -- in essence, everything I love about it!
    Your cottage is so charming. We have a house on the coast across the channel, and I would so love to have it look like yours. Alas, we're always lacking the cash to do it, really (no consumer credit!), and I happen to have a husband with rather strong opinions and never seem to quite get it my way! He seems like a reasonable man but somehow nothing ever quite turns out. Have you known this frustration?
    I can't wait to try out some of your lovely recipes -- and I will definitely try out the Cranford series, though I don't seem to be able to sit through much. I've also put a couple of Peggy Burton books on the Christmas list. I realised I had bought an old one from a charity shop back when we were there (we were in Essex and Hertfordshire/Cambridgeshire border...yes, in just one year!).
    Enjoy your evening!

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  39. Hello Michelle,
    I know this is a really old post, but I've been reading through your archives, and I just had to stop and comment. Everything is just beautiful! How very blessed you are! Thank you for taking the time to blog about your enchanting life. I know it can be difficult while homeschooling. I did that too with my sons.

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