"With Pomp, Power & Glory the world beckons vainly, In chase of such vanities why should I roam?While Peace & Content bless my little thatched cottage,And warm my own hearth with the Treasures of Home."*Beatrix Potter

Thursday 11 August 2016

A Trip to The Black Country Museum

Yesterday we had a lovely day out at The Black Country Museum which is just over 2 1/2 hours away from us.
This is a living museum where you find many cottages, small houses & a town all set in a time long ago.
Travelling through Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire farmers were busy in the fields harvesting.

I made Rock Cakes to take on our picnic tea.
8 oz self raising flour
1 tsp nutmeg
4 oz margarine & 4oz sugar
4 oz sultanas & 3 oz chopped dried apricots
2 eggs beaten
Rub the margarine in to the flour & nutmeg until they resemble fine breadcrumbs.
Then add the dried fruit & sugar.
Combine with the beaten egg & spoon on to a greased baking tray in rough heaps.
bake for 20 minutes at 375 of
Cool then eat spread with butter on top.

This is a very simple cottage but still I found it homely.

Crocked shelves.

One of the beautiful shops in the town.

Inside the grocer's.

Packets & dried goods.

We saw an old soap box we have at home.
There were some beautiful items on the shelves.

Inside the grocer's window.

Hanging in the hardware shop.

Sidney, Kitty & Mary waiting to get the old bus into the town.
There was a feel of Autumn in the air.

A cottage table behind the grocer's shop.

Traveling church down by the canal.

A lovely scullery in a tiny little cottage.
I saw my scales in many of the cottages.

Wash day in town.

Another beautiful cast iron range.

Lunch time at the Edwardian fish & chip shop.
We rarely eat out so this was a treat.

Inside the 1930's house in the town.

Peek a boo.

Beautiful kitchenailia.

!930's kitchen with a 1930's electric cooker.

We did feel at home.

A beautiful 1930,s vintage Hygena kitchen cabinet.

Post first world war prefab house.
Pantry shelves.

The post first world war home was set up in the second world war period.

Old washing copper & sink in the prefab house.

Kitchen table in the Toll House.
This was a perfect little cottage.

It's wonderful to have a day out but it's also wonderful to be home.

I hope you enjoyed the photo's of our day out.
I know it's a short post but I wanted to get another one done before I have my operation.
Thank you dear readers for all your kind comments & thoughts on my last post.
Fondly Michelle


  1. What a wonderful day out, fish and chips are a treat, how lovely x

    1. We had a lovely day but were glad to get home xx

  2. A good friend of mine has just holidayed in the area so she could visit, and loved it too. It is on our list (once we move a little nearer). I bet you felt so at home there and could have just moved in!

    I don't know how I managed to miss your last post btw. Good for you to home school the girls - I think they are getting such a lot from this (and some wonderful days out to learn more).

    I am baking this morning, so it must be catching!

    We once viewed an old farmhouse in Derbyshire with a lovely range just like that. Alas, we got there to find out it was already under offer.

    I hope your operation is soon a thing of the past and you are on the mend again.

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment.
      I hope all is well.
      Home schooling the girls is pure joy.
      Fondly Michelle

  3. We only live a few miles away from here , We are going there next week we have been three times and always have the fish and chips they are the best ever , I was going to post about it next week but as you have done such a wonderful job , I dont think i will bother lol xxx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm new to blogging, so I'll give it another try! I enjoyed your post -- your visit reminds me of Williamsburg in Virginia, but in another era. I'm giving your recipe a try. Best wishes to you!

  6. Michelle, many thanks for sharing your beautiful life and so many wonderful photos. Your column is always a joy to read.

    I do hope you will be feeling well soon. Prayers for rapid healing. Take care.

  7. What a lovely place to visit, it's somewhere I really need to get to. We went to the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum a few weeks ago for a lovely day out. That has cottages and buildings all transported to the site and rebuilt, they are furnished in the era they were originally built. but this one seems even more my cup of tea. There's something very refreshing in recognising things that we are still actually using and that our grannies had as day to day kitchen stuff.

    And yes, I have those scales too :-)

    I hope your operation goes well, and you have a speedy recovery. xx

    1. Thank you Sue.
      We havent been to Weald and Downland in many years. xx

  8. Without these lovely museums so much would be lost to the next generation. It looks such an interesting place.

  9. I was born and brought up in Dudley and have visited the museum since the early days of opening. There is so much to see now so regular visits are wonderful. Incidentally, until 6 years ago I worked in the shop at Royal Brierly Crystal which was right next door to the museum so we occasionally got free tickets! Sadly the shop closed, I was made redundant and the building has been demolished and the new Dudley Archive building erected in it's place. There were only 3 staff left and we were very sad to see the shop and glass blowing factory go. Thanks so much for reminding me how lovely the museum is, and the fish and chips...delicious!

    Hope your operation goes well and your stay in hospital is minimal. Very best wishes x

    1. Thank you.
      What a lovely comment to read. xx

  10. Simply a beautiful trip in time to gentler days. Thank you for sharing, I feel as if I tagged along, devouring every minute. You live the most magical life.
    Well-wishes with your operation, sending healing thoughts your way.

    1. Thank you, so glad you enjoyed seeing the museum. xx

  11. This looks like a great place to visit, and you had a lovely day. I like visiting living history museums. Thanks for sharing and for the recipe.
    Hope all goes well with you.

  12. Thanks for sharing, loved it! Best wishes for your operation, get well soon.

  13. Lovely to see new posts from you recently, sorry to hear you have to be in for an operation - I hope all goes well.
    We've been to the Black Country museum twice- once by canal boat! I have it on my list of places to re-visit - on their 1940's weekend preferably.

    1. I would go when the forties event is on. Next time we might do the musuem & the back to back houses in Birmingham the same day. NT. xx

  14. My grandmother ran a grocers shop in Tipton. I am not sure when it opened but it operated into the 1920s when the family moved to Australia. I recall my mother saying she would steal the cheese to nibble on.

    Thank you for the photo of the grocery store. I suppose my family's would have been similar. I understand my great grandfather, Mr Alsopp , a local pub owner, owned the grocery property.

    I have a book "The Black Country" by Phil Drabble, 1952.

    1. Such a lovely comment to read. My family were miners & teachers on one side & grocers on the other side. xx

  15. Dear Michelle, My prayers will be with you for a fast recovery from your surgery. Take care and get well soon, so we can visit you in your Blog and share your beautiful life.
    Sincerely, Sandy

  16. Wow - I could just sneak into that home and start living there with my girls....do you think anyone would notice! Really enjoyed this post.

  17. Your posts, even one as "short" as this gives me such pleasure. I live in Virginia, US, and am very grateful for this warm and lovely contrast to our current election news.

    1. We don't tend to watch to much tv, mostly dvd's so we don't hear much news. xx

  18. What a delightful place to visit! I love seeing the old-fashioned kitchen- so cozy!


  19. Loved this post! What a lovely day out. I was very shocked to see my 1930's kitchen cabinet in your post! It is exactly like the pic, except there are no vents in the doors, as it has a metal flip grocery list, and metal holders for small bottles/spices inside the doors. I bought the cabinet for $100 41 years ago in Ventura, California. I would sure like to know how it came to live in CA.

  20. What a great place to visit, so many beautiful things to look at.

  21. I like museums and specially historical museums. It makes me wish I could travel back in time.

  22. Hello Lovely, I`m frosted petals on IG, glad you made it to the museum, I drove past there the other day actually and you crossed my mind, it was worth the journey then, glad you enjoyed it ! Amanda x

  23. Looks like a lovely day out was had...maybe a place we could go to one day...Best wishes for a speedy recovery after your surgery...don't forget to take it easy. x

  24. Looks like a great day out, I would love to visit there. Those fish & chips look amazing. Good luck with the operation :-) xx

  25. Oh Michelle., You really make me want to come visit your area. it's on my bucket list. Sending prayers and hugs for your surgery.

  26. What a fun and fascinating place! I enjoyed all your photos, thank you so much for sharing. You have a lovely blog. I wish you all the best for your surgery. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada.

  27. What a fun and fascinating place! I enjoyed all your photos, thank you so much for sharing. You have a lovely blog. I wish you all the best for your surgery. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada.

  28. The rock cakes look delish. Best wishes for your surgery ♥


  29. Ciao, ti seguo su Instagram!Adoro vedere le foto della tua bella casa dal sapore antico.Ho appena scoperto che hai un blog e mi sono iscritta!Complimenti per la tua bella casa e per il tuo stile di vita!Rosetta

  30. Such a wonderful museum! I'm almost out of butter so it's time to churn again; will buy the Jersey cream, a new dasher and make a day of it.

  31. I hope this finds you and yours doing well. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at SiteHoundSniffs.com.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Hello Michelle,
    Hoping you and your family are well. Just popping by to say I miss your lovely posts.
    Blessings Gail.

    1. Thank you Gail.
      I'm still struggling with pain but hope to post soon.
      Fondly Michelle x

  34. I miss your posts, also. I hope all is well. :-)

  35. Happy New Year to you and your family.
    Get well soon and come back. I miss your lovely posts, too.

    1. Happy New Year to you too.
      I am struggling after the operation & with the amount of work homeschooling the twins is taking I am afraid the blog has gone to the bottom of my list of things to do. I do hope to post soon.
      Fondly Michelle

  36. Michelle, lovely rock cakes! Rock cakes -- one of those things that are much better than they sound! :D I'm just heading out now but want to come back to this post to enjoy a leisurely tour of the museum with you.

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