"With Pomp, Power & Glory the world beckons vainly, In chase of such vanities why should I roam?While Peace & Content bless my little thatched cottage,And warm my own hearth with the Treasures of Home."*Beatrix Potter

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Early March & a day with James Herriot

The days at the cottage are starting to grow longer, the garden is coming back to life & signs of Spring are everywhere. Daffodils, Grape Hyacinths, Hyacinths & Crocus's are blooming in the garden, it's so lovely to see the sun shinning & the Spring flowers in their full glory all around the village.
The buds are swelling & are ready to burst into life along the hedgerows. This is such a lovely time of year with new growth everywhere, things grow so quickly with changes happening every day.
With the weather starting to change our daily lives gradually move from the kitchen to the garden. The rhubarb is sprouting up & soon we will be picking it to make the first jam of the year.
Mary decorating cakes for tea.

The twins learning to use a sewing machine, they are making little pillows for their baby dolls.

Pumpkin Loaves.
This recipe was given to me by an American friend many years ago & it freezes well.
This recipe makes two loaves.
Grease two loaf pans.
Mix all dry ingredients together.
3 cups of plain flour.
2 cups of white sugar.
1/2 tsp baking powder.
2 tsp soda.
1 tsp cinnamon.
1 tsp ground nutmeg.
1 tsp mixed spice.
Mix pumpkin, oil & eggs together.
1 16ounce tin of pumpkin.
3 eggs.
2/3 cup vegetable oil.
Then combine all ingredients together.
Add raisins of wished.
Bake for 1 hour at 350
cool for 10 mins then turn out.

!920's Vinegar Cake.
A recipe from an old booklet I have.

Our two Kitty's playing with an old whisk.
A precious moment to capture.

A friend on IG gave me this lovely recipe for Chocolate Orange Trifle.
It is made using chocolate sponge, tinned oranges & orange jelly.
With chocolate blancmange on top then double cream & chocolate treats.

We are great fans of All Creatures Great & Small so a few weeks ago we had a day out in Thirsk, North Yorkshire & visited The World of James Herriot.
We have been there before when the twins were two so they did not remember it.
They love to watch the vintage tv show & also read the James Herriot children's books.
We had a lovely day visiting the museum & pottering around the old market town of Thirsk.

Inside The World of James Herriot.
The house is the actual home & veterinary surgery were James Herriot worked & lived.
1950's sitting room.

A perfect little tea cosy.
There was lots of inspiration.

This was the breakfast room complete with the series running on the vintage television.

Kitchen table with another beautiful tea cosy.

We were right at home in this house.

Pantry shelves

The twins & myself outside the museum.

We had a hunt round a few of the antique shops in our local town.
I was so pleased to find this beautiful 1940's or 1950's tea set.

Some vintage finds found in our local antique shop.

The hens are back to laying with the longer days.

Fairy cakes for the children's lunches.

With so many eggs we have had a few quiches, I always bake the quiche recipe in the Darling Buds of May cook book.

Sidney had his 12th birthday at the end of February, how the years have flown.
He loves chocolate.

Sidney's birthday tea.

Apple Cinnamon Muffins.
These are a family favourite.
Mix with a fork
9 ozs plain flour.
3 tsp baking powder.
2 tsp mixed spice.
4 ozs white sugar.
Then mix wet ingredients together.
5 floz milk.
3 floz vegetable oil.
1 egg.
Fold into dry ingredients.
add 6 oz of finely chopped apple.
pour into muffin cases, sprinkle with soft brown sugar & bake for 20 minutes at 375/390.

Rearranging the kitchen dresser.

I made Delia Smith's Chocolate Almond cake a couple of weeks ago for the first time, the children loved it.

Saturday teatime.
Crisps are a treat on a Saturday.

Another vintage tea cosy started while Bobby is enjoying the warmth of the fire.

My family gave me this pretty Mothering Sunday cake.
So pretty with teapot & flowers.

A rustic cob loaf for tea the other week, we had it with homemade leek & potato soup.

Making patchwork dolls quilts for the twins for their Easter gifts.
I am using some vintage fabrics & vintage buttons.

I am going to end this post with some wonderful news.
Early this morning our beautiful daughter gave birth to a little girl. I gave birth to Amy 22 years ago & now at the age of 22 she has given birth to her daughter. Amy & Dan are going to perfect parents, they have so much love to give to this precious little girl. I am so proud of them both & so happy for them.
Thank you dear readers for your lovely comments, I appreciate them all.
Fondly Michelle.


  1. How wonderful. I am a huge James Herriot fan. We are actually reading the Treasury for Children daily for read aloud at the moment. I love visiting here.

  2. A Grandaughter is such a precious gift ...... congratuations to all of you. Someone new for you to nuture and knit for Michelle. Does she have a name yet ?
    Could you tell me what knitting pattern you use for your lovely tea cosies please ?

  3. Congratuations! Being a Grandmommy is the most fun ever!!
    Your blog is so lovely and the twins are adorable....

  4. Wonderful pictures. Congratulations on becoming a grandmother.

  5. Congratulations, a wonderful Grandaughter to treasure, a wonderful precious gift. I love to visit, the birthday tea was amazing and some of your baking is sheer bliss, inspirational.

  6. Congratulations Michelle, I am so happy for you all. I look forward to reading about your little granddaughter. Kitty and Mary will be lovely little aunties.

  7. Congratulations to you Michelle and your family! How wonderful--I hope they live close enough for you to be a big part of your granddaughter's life.
    How nice to visit the home of James Herriot--his home looks very unique and interesting.
    All of your baked goods look so professional. It's wonderful that the girls are learning to bake and sew!
    Have a wonderful Easter! ♥

  8. A great post! I love it!
    Congratulations, that a granddaughter is born!

  9. A wonderful post, as always, and then rounded off with the most magical news. Congratulations. I look forward to pictures of your first grandchild, and finding out what her name will be.

    I made some Hot X Apple Scones this week, and they are lovely - I brushed the top with some ginger syrup from a jar of preserved ginger. Yummy.

  10. Such lovely recipes and love your dishes and photos.. So sweet.. Congrats on your darling grandchild.. God bless xo

  11. Greetings Michelle, it was so lovely to read your post and see all the lovely things you have been doing. Congrats on your little grandchild. My best wishes to all the family, Pat xx

  12. Congratulations, loved all your photos cakes muffins and the photo of you and the twins. I need to make a tea cozy crochet though I haven't a pattern. I think I can figur one out... Enjoyed my visit with love Janice

  13. Congratulations, wonderful news, I bet you will be busy knitting xx

  14. Congratulations on your wonderful news, a beautiful Easter gift indeed! Love all your pictures, and bakes too. Happy Easter. Blessings, Pam in Norway

  15. Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter, I make the chocolate trifle too it makes a nice change, Your cakes always look fantastic and your home is beautiful too xxx

  16. Congratulations to you and your daughter and son in law! Such fun times ahead! Your photos today leave me with such happiness. A good day to you! Dianna

  17. Congratulations on the birth of your new granddaughter!! Babies are such a delight! : )

    I truly enjoyed the peek into James Herriot's home. I especially liked the hand knit tea cozies! I really need to knit one. : )

    Many blessings to you and your family!


    1. The James Herriot museum is so homely snd wonderful. A great lesson for children. Fondly Michelle

  18. Congratulations on the birth of your new granddaughter - hope they are all well. I am so glad you are back writing your blog - I have missed you!

  19. Congratulations on the birth of your grand-daughter.

    Oooh I want to live at your house, it is so lovely. I'm going to seek out and make the chocolate and almond cake. I often make the almond cake from the stork wartime recipe book and sometimes add coloured glacé cherries or mixed peel, the sort that is bought in large pieces and cut yourself.

    Julie xxxxxx

  20. Congratulations on becoming a Grandma! That's so exciting :)

    Loved your pictures from The World of James Herriot. All Creatures is one of my all time favourite shows. Back in 2009 my parents and I went to Thirsk and I loved wandering around the house, I could easily live there. The living room is different in your picture than mine: there was a piano were the TV is in the lounge. Got my picture taken in his old car! Thanks for sharing and for the memories :)

  21. I always love your posts, here and on Instagram. But this one has really made me happy. Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter


  22. Congratulations Michelle for the birth of baby! ! I wish you all the happiness in the world and they can enjoy it a lot .
    I have the book of James Herriot all creatures great and small , and I love it. Thank you for teaching us this wonderful house sir.
    Again Michelle you are a great cook , thanks for providing recipes .
    Girls are precious learning to sew .
    A big hug for the whole family .
    Mary Carmen

  23. A truly lovely post Michelle! :) I love the photo of you and the girls....how classy and sweet you all look! :) Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter! What a blessing! Babies are such a treasure! :)

  24. Your post is just lovely, Michelle, all of it! The picture of your twins at the sewing machine is wonderful. Recently I had the privilege of teaching my 7-year old granddaughter to sew by hand a little felt fox, which she named Fuzzy. It was such a precious time we spent together. May you enjoy many precious moments with your sweet little granddaughter!
    Kind regards, Lynnea

  25. I have no words to express my delight after having seen your so wonderful photographs, to be part of your daily, family life, to be part of your old, wonderful world, thank you once more ... and more darling Michelle !

    May your Easter be blessed with Peace and Joy,

    with sincere gratitude


    1. Thank you for your sweet words. I'm am struggling to find time for the Internet but am halfway through another post. Fondly Michelle

  26. oh how exciting!Congratulations on the new arrival :)

    I'd love to visit James Herriot's world, i must put it on my list of places to see (growing larger by the day!) and i adore your new tea sets, they are so perfect for spring xx

  27. Congratulations on the birth of your precious granddaughter, such a blessing.
    You have created such a magical way of living, when I look at the pictures of your baked goods, it reminds me of my grandma's bakery, thirty two years, of creating bread and cakes I'll never forget the aroma :)
    Your girls are beautiful and so very talented.

  28. Wonderful post and such a beautiful blog. I love to reminisce about days gone by. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  29. Hi Michelle, a lovely post! Such happy news too. You are a marvellous housewife :)

    Mandy x

  30. The James Herriot home looks so fun. I have adored his stories since I was a small girl. I am glad for the safe arrival of your granddaughter. Congratulations!

  31. A lovely post and just don't understand why I wasn't following you already after "meeting" each other on Instagram! Anita xx

  32. A lovely post and just don't understand why I wasn't following you already after "meeting" each other on Instagram! Anita xx

  33. Wow! Nice post! I love your blog. These photos are beautiful! ^^ Healthoop

  34. Hi Michelle

    I have nominated you for the Liebster award via my blog http://tarragonnthyme.blogspot.co.uk/. I do hope that you will be able to take part.

    Pattypan (aka Tricia)


  35. Although I understand how hard it is to blog when life is so busy I do hope you will continue to inspire us with your recipes and family life.

    1. I'm halfway through another post. Xx

    2. I was just about to ask when you will be posting again. I love the look of your blog, I like to get inspiration from lots of places and you do that with decorating my house, recipes and that lovely vintage feel. Looking forward to it.

  36. dear michelle,
    lovely post and wonderful photos.the james harriot home looks very cosy.your baking and knitting are soooooooooooo beautiful. and your choco-cherry cake on instagram look delicious.
    have a nice time,
    hugs regina

  37. What wonderful photos, and seeing the girls making the pillows for their dolls with the sewing machine reminded me of when I was about their age. I once spent the whole of Sunday hand sewing my elf a little wash bag just so I could put my things in it to go upstairs for my bath at teatime. I was so proud of my little blue embroidered wash bag.

    Have you ever read the book 'The Garden Cottage Diaries, My Year in the Eighteenth Century' by Fiona J. Houston? I've just been re-reading it for about the third time and looking at the books on your reading list I think you would love it.

    1. Yes I have read the book and have it on my book shelf, it's a lovely book. Fondly Michelle

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  39. I'm so glad to have found your blog. I see you enjoyed Nella Last's diary and Miss Read as well. I wonder if Nella is making crisps like you have. She calls a baked item "crispies" and I don't know what that is. I'm enjoying reading through your posts.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. What a beautiful post. The photos are incredible. Thanks for sharing.

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