"With Pomp, Power & Glory the world beckons vainly, In chase of such vanities why should I roam?While Peace & Content bless my little thatched cottage,And warm my own hearth with the Treasures of Home."*Beatrix Potter

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Christmas Days around the Cottage

Life has been very busy this past week, we have had a wonderful Christmas with all of our family & have made many memories.

This was the scene out of one of the side windows on Boxing Day night, it was a lovely surprise to the twins once they woke in the morning.
 Boxing Day is called so as in years gone by the church left boxes out during the approach to Christmas to be filled. The contents of which were distributed to the poor on the 26th of December ~ Boxing Day.

George keeping warm.

Making Mince Pies.
I make the same recipe every year, my Mother's.

The topping is whisked egg white sprinkled with sugar.

All ready for my Grandmother Betty's tin, every year they get placed in her tin.
I feel with many of her things around me she is with us, the twins never met her but they feel like they knew her & they are always talking about her.
 They would have had such fun together.

The twins & Sidney decorating some Christmas biscuits.
I use a Empire biscuit recipe for all my cutter biscuits now which I will share with you soon.

All finished, Mary is not a sweetie lover so we did some with just icing.

Starting the cranberry sauce for our Christmas dinner.

The Christmas cake ready to be cut.

My husband gave me my first Tasha Tudor Christmas card.

Getting ready for Father Christmas on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Morning.
Yes he came.
Harry & Kate wanted to see the little one's opening their gifts in their stockings. They were so good & waited until 8 0'clock especially considering Mary woke at 5.

The younger one's opening their stockings.

All the children opening their gifts from us, I love to sit back & watch their faces.
Mary was so happy to receive this book from us as before Christmas we watched the Tasha Tudor Christmas dvd together & she said we do not have that book do we.

Christmas Day lunch.
A bit of a squeeze but we all got in.
This year I decided to use the kitchen table for the food with limited table space in the hall, it all worked wonderfully & it mean't that you could go back for second's or third's.
I was so happy to see everyone enjoying their food.
For those who wanted to know what was inside the crackers this year I did jewel hair clips, lip balms & hot chocolate sachets.

 Early morning on the 27th with a light snow fall.

Standing opposite our cottage.
The road looks so peaceful.

We are back to a more slower pace once more with the animals as I write sleeping in front of the hearth.

My sweet husband gave me this beautiful Victorian copper mold for Christmas.

Enjoying a lovely game of Snakes & Ladders.
Kitty has not taken her flower headband off since she received it for Christmas for her dressing up box.

We had a very special Christmas one I will treasure.
Thank you all my dear readers for all your kind comments & support during my first year of blogging. I have really enjoyed sharing a small part of our daily lives.
May I wish you all a happy & healthy new year.
Fondly Michelle


  1. Such a lovely post, dear.. Love your card and copper mold and of course all of your wonderful baking.. God bless you in the new year.. Love your blog, too.. xo

    1. Thank you Faye, I can not wait to see what copper items you will collect.
      Happy new Year.
      Fondly Michelle

  2. All your photos are great, but I especially like the one of George in front of the fire. He's grown quite a bit already! I also love your family photo at the tables. Such a beautiful family you have. Everything does look so peaceful and quiet. What will you make in your new mold?

    1. Hello Cathy.
      I might make a blancmange in the mold, I do love old copper.
      Thank you for your lovely comment.
      Happy New Year
      Fondly Michelle

  3. Beautiful photos and wonderful Christmas memories you've made.
    Thanks for sharing :-)

    1. Thank you Anne,
      Happy New Year.
      Fondly Michelle

  4. Such a lovely entry. My, you had a houseful of company. I do so love the lighting in your photography; I feel it captures the essence of your cottage from a bygone age.
    I am looking forward to catching up on reading back, for I have been away from journalling for a few weeks now ~ just needed a break for a while.
    Looking forward to many more happy hours spent at your cottage during 2015 ~ and sending warmest wishes that the New Year is Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous ~~~

    1. Hello Deborah,
      Happy New Year to you too.
      I hope you had a lovely break & a wonderful Christmas.
      Thank you for your lovely comment, I really enjoyed your post too.
      Fondly Michelle

  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR DEAREST MICHELLE!! And to your Family!!
    What a LOVELY post!! Everything that you made looked so sweet and appetizing !! And you spend a treasured family time together, you and your family are so fortunate and blessed!!
    I am so blessed to own so many of my Grandma's things and feel that same closeness that you spoke of :-) And I never met my Great Grandmas but learned of them through my parent's fond memories and I am so grateful and feel , like you said, as if I did know them!
    I really enjoyed your sharing of your CHRISTmas celebration Thanks much
    Many Blessings warmth and hugs, Linnie

    1. Thank you Linnie for your sweet comment, it is wonderful to be able to share precious memories with your family of the loved ones that have passed away. I always remember Grandmas silver tinsel tree this time of year.
      Have a wonderful New Year, I can't wait to read your posts for 2015.
      Fondly Michelle

  6. Thank you for sharing.
    It all is so beautiful.
    Best to you in 2015!

    1. Thank you Carla,
      Happy New Year to you too.
      Fondly Michelle

  7. Hi Michelle, what wonderful Xmas photos. I would so love to visit your part of the world.You make me want to come over and curl up with a cup of tea. Loved the pics of your family and it is so nice to get together. That is what it is all about. Thanks for telling me what was in your crackers. I did mine this year too and everyone loves them. Sometimes though if I can't find something to fit I put a couple of little things in and wrap a little gift and tie it to the cracker. Have a wonderful New Year.

    1. Hello Mary,
      You are welcome any time.
      Family is my life, it was lovely for all of them to come as I know as they grow older it probably will not happen that much.
      So glad everyone loved your crackers.
      Fondly Michelle

  8. Dear Michelle, meets that they have spent it very well, meets very cozy and intimate. The small ones me resemble my daughter, she also was getting up very early looking for his gifts. I hope that the recipe of the cookies shares soon empire. I him wish Michelle that it could enjoy for many years of his wonderful family. An embrace. Mary Carmen

    1. Hello Mary,
      Isn't it wonderful watching little ones open their gifts.
      I wish you & your family a happy New Year.
      Fondly Michelle

  9. Thank you for sharing your Christmas celebration-it is lovely to have all the children together! I dare say those mince pies look absolutely delicious. I made mince cookies a few years ago and loved them. Happy New Year to you and yours!

    1. Happy New Year to you too Suzanne,
      The last mince pie went today, Mary very much enjoyed it.
      I have a little mincemeat left so might make some sweet pinwheels with it.
      Fondly Michelle

  10. Wishing you and your lovely family a happy and healthy 2015!Your blog is always a welcome treat. Please continue writing & sharing with all of us...you are definitely appreciated here for you bring me glimpses of a faraway place I have only dreamed of.

    1. We all like to dream a little, I am so happy you are enjoying the blog.
      Happy New Year
      Fondly Michelle

  11. What a lovely Christmas day your family shared. A very blessed one indeed. Your beautiful cottage is just wonderful....inside and out. Wishing you much happiness in the new year. Blessings

  12. Lovely to hear from you Shelley,
    Thank you for your lovely comment.
    wishing you too a Happy New Year.
    Fondly Michelle

  13. Michelle,
    Your Christmas post was lovely! What wonderful sweet photos. I particularly like the one of your cat and dog in front of the fire. Your home is so beautiful and cozy, and your family seems so happy. :-)
    God bless you in the new year!

    1. Thank you Jennifer for your lovely comment, I like the photo of George & Bobby together as well.
      Happy New Year
      Fondly Michelle

  14. Oh, what a lovely family filled christmas you had! Your home looks so cozy and the mince pies so delish! We love watching the Tasha Take Peace video at Christmas as well. Its so calming and lovely. And is that a ruby King Charles Cavalier I spy? We have one too, named Franklin!

    1. Yes he is a ruby,they are such sweet dogs.
      Thank you for your kind words Heather.
      Fondly Michelle

  15. What a sweet, cozy cottage you have. I absolutely adore it! Your family gathered together is so beautiful to see in photos. :)
