"With Pomp, Power & Glory the world beckons vainly, In chase of such vanities why should I roam?While Peace & Content bless my little thatched cottage,And warm my own hearth with the Treasures of Home."*Beatrix Potter

Thursday 23 April 2015

Cottage Days in the Garden & some Knitting.

The days are lengthening & we are spending beautiful days outside working in our garden.
The old fashioned perennials Delphinium, Foxglove & Hollyhocks are popping up all over the cottage garden & the joyous sound of bird song is all around us.
Forget me nots are in full bloom in the cottage beds & the beloved Bluebell is coming in to flower once again.
Precious Bluebells.

Spring flowers in the garden.

Beautiful Aubrieta, this plant always reminds me of my grandfather, he had lots in his front garden.

The Magnolia in full bloom.

An old apple picking ladder in the garden.

We have been looking for an Easiwork cabinet from the 1920's for a long time, it is the final piece we were after for the scullery & has wonderful storage which we really need.
Andy drove two hours away to pick this one up from Yorkshire & the following day we used a lot of elbow grease to clean her up.
She is wonderful, it is like a kitchen in a cupboard & is ideal for bread making & pastry.

A wartime Gingerbread recipe using one egg.
We bake & cook from scratch & make the most out of our food budget. It is very pleasing to make frugal meals & realise how much you save.

George & Bobby in their favourite spot, bless them they do sleep a lot.

The twins helping with the enlargement of the vegetable garden.
They were picking up the last of the old tree root.

Bobby enjoying the sunshine.

Our vegetable garden.
We have been making the vegetable garden a lot bigger this past week.
There has been old tree roots to move & grass to take up. It is great to finally have it the size we want, we have just been here two years & everything takes time.
We would love a wooden greenhouse, maybe in a few years.

I finished my first long sleeved jumper from a 1940's pattern.

I used some vintage back buttons to finish it off & now it is tucked away for next Winter.

A visit to the wool shop in a nearby town.
I bought some lovely 1940's green wool for a new jumper.

Almond Loaf Cake.

The two miniature's together in the hall.

Cheese puffs from Ruth Mott's cookbook & a light fruit cake for Saturday tea.

This Sunday I used three bags of fruit from the freezer, gooseberries, blackberries & tayberries to make a sponge pudding.
It was lovely warm served with cream.

We found some vintage Laura Ashley curtains at a local antique shop for a bargain £12.50.
I have taken them up for our bedroom & the remainder I will use to cover two green 1930's Lloyd Loom chairs. This Summer we hope to decorate our bedroom as before moving in we just sanded the floor boards & fixed the walls ready for decorating.

Ellie turned 21 last weekend, we celebrated with a lovely lunch with her family on Sunday.
Now Ellie & Dene are spending a lovely week in the Lake District, it will be their first visit to Hill Top.

Thank you dear readers for your lovely comments.
Enjoy this beautiful Spring day.
Fondly Michelle


  1. Lovely photos, all very evocative of times gone by.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth, I do love our cottage garden.
      Enjoy this beautiful day.
      Fondly Michelle

  2. Your garden looks lovely, your food always looks inviting, love your blog.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, glad you are enjoying the blog.
      Fondly Michelle

  3. hello michelle,
    your garden looks wonderful!!! love your kitchen garden....i wish i had a green house like your's.your food looks delicious. oh and your sweater is a dream!!!!!
    have a nice time,
    love regina

    1. Hello Regina,
      Thank you so much for your kind words, we do love the garden. We saw the garden first when viewing the cottage & that is what we fell in love with.
      Fondly Michelle

  4. Stunning garden such a delight to see a cottage garden these days. What a great bargain with the curtains.

    1. Thank you, we have just been out in the garden, the girls have been painting & me knitting.
      The curtains look lovely up, i am so pleased with them.
      Enjoy this lovely day.
      Fondly Michelle

  5. Michelle, the cabinet is like the Hoosiers we have here in the States:) a kitchen in a cabinet :) I had one but gave it away to a young family that needed furniture. Our Lord will provide another one when He knows I'll need it :) your garden is just so lovely. And so is your jumper :) enjoy the spring days. Mari

    1. What a precious gift to give a young family.
      Thank you so much for your kind words Mari, we have been enjoying this beautiful day outside painting in the garden.
      God bless

  6. Thank you Teri for your kind words, the easiwork has been such a gift.
    The twins do like to help, they are always close by.
    Enjoy this pretty day, we have just come in from the sunshine.
    Fondly Michelle

  7. Beautiful garden and veg garden! You did a beautiful job on the jumper. Love the color. :-)
    Enjoy your week ♥

    1. Thank you, I really enjoyed doing this jumper.
      Glad you enjoyed the photo's of the garden.
      Fondly Michelle

  8. You can never have too much veggie garden!
    Lovely post as always, I love to see your vintage finds, makes and bakes

    1. We are so excited to have the extra space for vegetables this year.
      Fondly Michelle

  9. What a spread! Being long in the tooth now, I love to see PROPER baking being done and old recipes still being used. Personally I am a sucker for anything with the words "farmhouse" or "cottage" in the recipe! I am sure your bigger veggie patch will be a bonus. I am just digging mine over after it being (mostly) under cover over the winter. All sorts of seedlings in the polytunnel waiting to be planted.

    That kitchen cabinet is wonderful - I believe Ikea have revamped the idea and have a "kitchen in a cupboard" idea which they sell, but yours I am sure has a lot more character.

    Love that jumper you have just finished. I have to admit, I prefer to crochet rather than knit as I am a dunce when I have dropped a stitch in knitting something!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, I do enjoy baking. I like the words farmhouse, country & cottage too.
      I love to crochet too, although I am really into knitting at the moment.
      Fondly Michelle

  10. Dear Michelle. How delighted I was to check and see you had a new post. The notification always comes a day later. Anyway I felt like I had a visit from an old friend. Your flowers look so lovely and I absolutely LOVE your cupboard. What a treasure. Your jumper turned out lovely and your baking looks yummy. I too cook from scratch and have some favourite wartime recipes. One of them is aptly named "war cake" which my Mother used to make all the time.
    You will be happy to know my rhubarb is up and my bulbs are starting to show. Spring is coming here.
    Happy Gardening!

    1. Hello Mary,
      How lovely to cook a recipe your Mother use to make, is it a fruit cake or plain.
      I am so pleased to hear you rhubarb & bulbs are appearing, has all the snow melted now.
      Fondly Michelle

  11. I have been looking for a blog like your's for all the time I have been reading blogs.With Susan Branch it is my favourite one Thank you very much !!

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed your visit Rosemary.
      Fondly Michelle

  12. I loved everything about your post and see that George has gotten quite large! The English Bluebells I planted last Fall are up but will not bloom until late Spring, according to the instructions that came with them.

    1. We have a pretty white bluebell come up this year, I bet yours will look beautiful when they flower.
      I hope you like the photo's of George & Bobby, I remembered to take some for you.
      Fondly Michelle

  13. I always look forward to reading your wonderful blog. George and Bobby are adorable! I love the baked goods you always picture. Do you have a recipe for the almond loaves? They look wonderful. I hope you have a great weekend :)

    1. Thank you for your kind words.
      I will try to remember to add the almond loaf recipe in my next post.
      Fondly Michelle

  14. I stumbled here from some other blog and what a wonderful time I have had seeing your beautiful photos and home life. Your blog has given me encouragement to slow things down this summer and enjoy our home and garden instead of being on the run all the time.

    1. I am so happy you enjoyed the blog, enjoy your home & the beauty around you.
      Fondly Michelle

  15. Such beautiful flowers! If your weather is anything like ours today they'll be enjoying a nice drink, it is pouring down today!

    I love your Easiwork cabinet, it suits your cottage perfectly!

    Your jumper is gorgeous, I love the pattern and colour, and the wool shop you visited looks wonderful too, I love wool shops!

    Happy birthday to Ellie, the birthday lunch table looks amazing, so much yummy food! I hope she and Dene enjoy their trip to Hilltop :-)

    I hope you are having a lovely weekend x

    1. It has been a sunny day here Melanie until an hour ago, we have thunder now & hail stones but the soil does need a good water.
      The easiwork is wonderful, so handy, did you see the one in the scullery in the 1940's farm at Beamish.
      I love wool shops too, so do the twins.
      Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
      Fondly Michelle

    2. Thunder and hailstones, goodness me! Our weather is so unpredictable isn't it!

      I did see the Easiwork at the farm in Beamish, just wonderful!

      I really must do a blog post soon, I have a lot to post, my new knitting books, crafting, baking, you inspire me, and encourage me to get blogging! Hopefully this week I'll do a post.

      Home Fires will be starting not this week but next, can't wait for that!

      Take care
      Melanie x

    3. Ps, I've just done a new blog post and there are some books on there I think you might be interested in, as we have quite similar tastes.
      Take care
      Melanie x

    4. Yes the third of May I think, I can't wait too, I think there will be some lovely homes & clothes.
      Fondly Michelle

    5. Thank you Melanie for telling me, I am going to look right now, can't wait to see your knitting.
      Fondly Michelle

    6. Thank you Melanie for telling me, I am going to look right now, can't wait to see your knitting.
      Fondly Michelle

  16. I enjoyed your post very much, it is very homey and peaceful!

    1. Thank you Annie for your lovely words.
      Fondly Michelle

  17. Oh my, what a charming post! I love the sweater you made. It will be so warm & cozy next winter. Thanks for sharing all your lovely photos. The flowers are just beautiful & all the yummy things you baked are making me hungry for a snack! :D I best go put the kettle on & find something sweet to eat. :)

    ~Miss Michelle ^_^
    Delightful Handwork

    1. Thank you Michelle for your lovely comment. The jumper was lovely to knit, I am a beginner knitter so can only do basic patterns.
      Fondly Michelle

  18. All of the flowers and trees in this post are gorgeous!! It gives me a greater sense of anticipation to see our trees and flowers bloom. : ) Bobby and George are adorable!! It is wonderful that they seem to get along so well. Your jumper is lovely! There is nothing quite like finishing a project and then heading to the yarn shop, such fun!

    1. Thank you Sarah for your sweet words, I love flowers & waiting for them to bloom.
      I agree going to a wool shop is such fun.
      Fondly Michelle

  19. Dear Michelle, the jersey has remained precious, sure that it him will come very well next winter. It has been called me very much the attention the gavinete Easiwork, it did not know this type of furniture, one sees that it is very practical. I take one days seeing a few movies that are inspired in Janette Oke's books, since I see that also him much likes to read, I recommend them to him, am sure that they her will please, they are called Love he eats softly. An embrace. Mari Carmen

    1. Thank you Mari, I loved doing that jumper.
      Yes I do know Janette Oke, I ahve not read any of her books yet but have some of the films on dvd.
      Enjoy the rest of this blessed day.
      Fondly Michelle

  20. It is always enchanting here at your home! Thanks for joining HSH!

  21. Hello my lovely friend! Oh, how I love visiting your sweet little world. It was a joy to walk in your garden and see the beautiful flowers and of course the goodies you always bake leave my mouth watering :)

    Thinking of you, my dear! Thank you for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you Stephanie for your sweet comment.
      Enjoy this lovely day.
      Fondly Michelle

  22. Hello dear heart.. Sorry I am so late commenting.. I did read your post earlier and enjoyed it so much as always.. Your garden is lovely and Spring is so beautiful in your part of the world.. Your blog posts are such a blessing and cheer me up.. smile.. xo

    1. Thank you Faye, your blog does the same to me, I love visiting you in Canada.
      Fondly Michelle

  23. Congratulations,
    Your little cupboard fits right in & is in remarkable condition too!
    I adore antiques that are loved, and have found new homes with lovely people , like yourself, who respect and appreciate them. I sold antiques for many years and even managed a large mall of many treasures from the 18th and 19th century. Your blog always warms my heart. Thank you for sharing..Marcy

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, I guess we are just keepers of the past looking after things to pass them on. I use the easiwork everyday & while using it wonder what has been made on it over the years.
      Fondly Michelle

  24. Your blog is lovely - visiting from Roses of Inspiration. Karen xo

    1. So happy you enjoyed your visit Beatrice.
      Fondly Michelle

  25. Hello Michelle!

    This is my first visit to your blog and oh my, it is just lovely! We have similar taste! I love, love, love the photos you share. Your home looks beautiful! :)

    I hope you are enjoying your week!

    1. Welcome Katy,
      Thank you for your sweet words, I am so glad you enjoyed your visit.
      Fondly Michelle

  26. What a lovely post ... and I like the look of the jumper you knitted. Alas I've never been good at knitting but so admire those that can.

    As it's so nearly May, I hope May will be a good month for you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, I have been knitting for three years now & learning as I go along, I did not think I would ever knit a jumper.
      Fondly Michelle

  27. Oooh! What a beautiful spring you're having! All the flowers and the green....so pretty! Your new kitchen addition looks awesome, I've never seen such a thing! Sounds like everything is lovely and delicious out where you are! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Heather. The new kitchen cupboard is used every day, it is so handy.
      Fondly Michelle

  28. You've got such a wonderful home and garden. I love visiting here. The food looks so delicious and I love your new cupboard.
    We need to renew our kitchen because it is a 1970's one. I love to have an antique looking kitchen, which is beautiful and practical at the same time.
    Have a wonderful day.

  29. Hello dearest Michelle,
    Your new Easiwork cabinet is well worth the drive to get it!! It looks like a real gem and a wonderful work space! :-) You spring garden pictures are so lovely and the girls look so very charming as they paint,so sweet as they are!!
    My mouth always waters so when I visit !!! Yum yum yummy yum!! Your sweater jumper came out so stunning and I love the new color that you have chosen for the new one, and the twins are so sweet learning their knitting lesson!! I truley love coming to visit here!! :-D
    I too had visitors come stay!! And now my laptop is on the fringe and heats up and shuts down so I shall be sending it out this week for repair.
    Sending warmth, many blessings and joy, Hugs, Linnie

  30. I love Garden, i have a Garden here in the city. I do have some things started tomatoes bell peppers egg plant just picked all the winter carrots o and i have snowpeas which the oriental people use and i love them . Been a bit sick so I havent put the rest in yet hopefully soon. I love to bake also and your baking goods look wonderful. Especially love that sponge pudding sounds wonderful. Going to see if I can find a recipe. Thank you with love Janice


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