"With Pomp, Power & Glory the world beckons vainly, In chase of such vanities why should I roam?While Peace & Content bless my little thatched cottage,And warm my own hearth with the Treasures of Home."*Beatrix Potter

Saturday 13 June 2015

A Sunny Day at Belton House

It was set to be a wonderfully sunny day last Thursday so we decided to take a picnic to Belton House a National Trust property.
Belton is about a fifty minute drive from us, such a pretty drive through the Lincolnshire countryside. All along the road sides & in fields were bright red poppies in full bloom & so many pretty farms & cottages along the way.
This is part of the courtyard at Belton House where the old stables were.

Sitting down for our picnic on the green at the back of the house next to the Orangery & Italian garden's.
The girls were excited as this was the first outing for their ladybird chairs in a bag.

We had a guest for our picnic & such a gentle well behaved & mild mannered lady too.

No pecking, she just waited nicely.
I was a little worried when I saw her walking our way but she made our lunch so special.
The Orangery is in the background.

Saying good bye.

This is beautiful little garden near the church in the grounds.

This area with the roses and Sweet Pea's was my favourite garden.

Inside the Orangery.

Walking to the beautiful Italian garden, there were more ducks enjoying the cool water at the fountain.

The path leading to the gardens from the back of the house.
This is a very formal part of the gardens.

Daisy, Kitty & Mary on the back steps.
With it being a Thursday the grounds & house were quite quiet.

This is the front of the house.
They play cricket on the front lawn sometimes & there are deer running around but today they were under the trees in the distance.

On our way towards the lake.
There was some wonderful old tree's to enjoy.

Mary blowing bubbles.

An abundance of Buttercups.

The beautiful lake with geese, the lake of shining water came in to my mind on such a sunny day.

Back to the courtyard area of the house.
We just had time for a quick look around the house before travelling home to our animals.

One of the many beautiful bedrooms.

A gentle sitting room with such pretty fabric on the sofa & chairs.

The dining room with hunting picture's hung all over the wall's.

The study, the had old time music playing in here.

I hope you all enjoy seeing our visit to Belton House, we had such a special day & a well needed break.
At the gift shop I bought this lovely book with some birthday money, it was on special offer.

Thank you all for your kind caring comments on my last post.
Fondly Michelle 

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  1. What a wonderful day out, such beauty and I include your very pretty daughters with there pretty dresses and hats.

    1. Yes we had a lovely day, the weather was perfect.
      Fondly Michelle

  2. Beautiful, Beautiful!!! It looked like such a lovely picnic! Glad you enjoyed it! :) Thanks for sharing it with us!

    1. Thank you Katy, we had such a lovely day.
      Fondly Michelle

  3. Hi..o i am so glad you loved your visit..we go there quite often as we only live 5 minutes away..going on a week day is the best time..we have a picnic in the little cubby next to the church yard..we go the long way around and through the woods..last time we saw lots of deers..i posted pics of them on my blog..

    1. Hello Sara,
      We have not been to Belton for a year & a half so it was lovely to revisit. That is another good thing about home education you can go to these places during the week when it is quieter. There is a fete in a couple of weeks which we hope to go to if the weather is fine.
      I will pop over to your blog.
      Fondly Michelle

  4. Michelle, what an enchanting day. Your older daughter is just as beautiful as the rest of you. I love the photo of the twins, hand-in-hand, looking at Belton House from afar.

    1. We did have a lovely day, the gardens were so peaceful.
      Fondly Michelle

  5. What a lovely house and garden. It looked like the perfect family outing. The duck was especially cute!

    1. The duck was so sweet Melanie, I think she was quite young.
      Fondly Michelle

  6. Dear Michelle, the place is beautiful, inspires much peace. I see that it's been a great day. He's right to education at home, you can go places without the stress of the weekend and see things calmly, it is one of its many advantages. Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures.
    A hug.
    Mª Carmen

    1. Thank you, Home education is one of the best things I have ever done.
      Fondly Michelle

  7. Oh Michelle, what a beautiful house. Those stately homes are a pleasure to visit, I'm sure :) I have the same book and it is a fountain of inspiration. Have a wonderful weekend :) mari

    1. Yes the house is beautiful & the book too.
      Fondly Michelle

  8. What an amazing day out, when we move we are going to join the National Trust so many wonderful places to visit, have a lovely weekend x

    1. Do you know where you are moving too, the National Trust is worth the money for us.
      You have a lovely weekend too.
      Fondly Michelle

  9. Belton House looks lovely, It's probably a couple of hours drive from where I live but worth doing I think. You were lucky to have such a lovely sunny day to enjoy it all. I like the look of the book that you bought, it looks just my kind of thing.

    1. It is a lovely & Woolsthorpe manor is near there on the A1 that is lovely too but much smaller, I prefer it at Woolsthorpe.
      Fondly Michelle

  10. A wonderful trip out. That walled garden is so pretty. I'm glad your little duck visitor had good manners. The weather looks perfect, i hope the sun stays shining for you.

    1. Oh she was so polite & such fun too.
      The gardens were wonderful.
      Fondly Michelle


    1. Thank you Janice we had a wonderful day.
      Fondly Michelle

  12. Oh Michelle, what a lovely and charming day all of you had! The little duck is just too precious :)

    Thank you for sharing your sweet moments with us. Hugs to you!

    1. I could have taken the duck home, she was beautiful.
      So glad you enjoyed the post.
      Fondly Michelle

  13. Looks like you had a wonderful day
    Julie xxxxx

  14. Hello! How lovely to see that you have blogged again, that made my day! You bring such peace and happiness in your photos. Belton looks fabulous. We have a NT family pass and often go to Sutton Hoo (Suffolk) near us. Do you homeschool your older daughter too? Hope you don't mind the question but do you plan to flexi school next year? We are still to decide for our 2 youngsters! How lovely to get out and about during the school week! Thank you for bringing me cheer! xxx

    1. Hello Anna,
      We are undecided about next year, we will still flexi school or take the leap to full time home education. Daisy goes to the local Grammer School & is sitting her GCSE's at the moment so has a lot of time of school for study leave. She enjoyed the break too, Belton is such a gentle relaxing place. I didn't know anything about home school when the older one's went to school, I did not know we had a choice, the internet has taught us much.
      It is good to visit places during the week, they can take so much more of it in, we do not like crowds.
      Lovely to hear from you again, I would love to know what decision you make, would you local school do flexi school.
      Thank you for your kind words.
      Fondly Michelle

  15. This is such a lovely post you have written. I loved seeing the beautiful gardens and interior. And that is the most precious pictures of your twins. My best to you and your beautiful family.

    1. I am so happy you enjoyed the trip around Belton, it is a beautiful place.
      Fondly Michelle

  16. I think you already HAVE the Perfect English Cottage! Thank you for sharing your wonderful day out with your girls. Wish I'd been there as it looked my sort of place. Those gardens are stunning.

    1. You would love Belton House, there are so many area's to explore.
      Thank you for your lovely words, I do love our cottage.
      Fondly Michelle

  17. GORGEOUS!!! Michelle, what a LOVELY place to visit!! Thank you so much for sharing and bringing us along!! The gardens and Belton House look like a wonderful place to take a lunch and look and learn at!! How cute the girls look with the visiting duck in there perfect sized chairs!!! I enjoyed this visit very much!!! :-)
    May you have a wonderful week!! Many Blessings and warmth

    1. Thank you Linnie, Belton is a truly beautiful place. So glad you enjoyed the tour round the garden's & house.
      The girls do love their chair's, they were so funny trying to fold them up.
      Fondly Michelle

  18. dear michelle,
    thank you for the well wishes!
    what a wonderful place to visit.i have this book and i like it.
    have a nice week,

    1. Yes the book is lovely, I have been reading it today.
      Fondly Michelle

  19. Michelle, I found your blog through some of my blogging friends. What a lovely place you have here! I've been looking through some of your back posts and have enjoyed them very much!
    I live in VA and and my husband and I just returned from your beautiful country. We joined the Royal Oak (an arm of the National Trust) before going and we were just blown away by all the beautiful sites. Belton looks amazing--a wonderful spot for a picnic! Your girls are beautiful in their little hats and dresses. Wishing you happy sunny days ♥

    1. Welcome Martha Ellen,
      The National Trust have some wonderful houses & land in their care, it is well worth the money & you know in a little way you are helping preserve these buildings.
      What part of England did you visit.
      So glad you are enjoying some of the older posts.
      Fondly Michelle

    2. Welcome Martha Ellen,
      The National Trust have some wonderful houses & land in their care, it is well worth the money & you know in a little way you are helping preserve these buildings.
      What part of England did you visit.
      So glad you are enjoying some of the older posts.
      Fondly Michelle

  20. So lovely .. The girls are cute... I wanted to buy this book but it was quite expensive on Amazon... Looks wonderful.. xo

    1. Thank you Faye, the girls so enjoy life.
      I have seen second hand copies of this book on Ebay & Amazon.
      Fondly Michelle

  21. Thank you so much, sweet Michelle, for sharing this lovely post with Roses of Inspiration....it's always a joy to have you at the party :) Enjoy your week!

  22. Wow what a lovely day you had, and the weather looks so perfect. Belton House is so majestic and beautiful, thank you for the tour. I love your photos, they speak a thousand words.

    What a cheeky little duck, bet she kept the twins amused while they were eating. Animals are just amazing :)

    God Bless,


    1. Hello Tania,
      Yes the little duck was fun to be with.
      So glad you liked the photo's.
      Fondly Michelle

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. A lovely place, and what a delightful day you had! :)
