"With Pomp, Power & Glory the world beckons vainly, In chase of such vanities why should I roam?While Peace & Content bless my little thatched cottage,And warm my own hearth with the Treasures of Home."*Beatrix Potter

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Summer Time in the Country

Summer is starting to fade, the wheat is golden in the fields & leaves are starting to turn.
You can feel the freshness in the breeze, Autumn will soon be upon us.
The farmers are in the fields around us harvesting, another growing year has finished.
We have been very busy at the cottage, even more so now we are home schooling the twins.
The decision to do this has brought us all so much joy.
The blog has been last on the list I am afraid, I'm sorry it's been far to long between posts.
I hope you all will enjoy seeing some of the things we have been up to over the Summer & you are all enjoying the last few weeks of August.
Learning to embroider.

A day out in Cambridge.
There are so many beautiful buildings there.

An Arthur Bell rose flowering in the garden.
My Grandfather was called Arthur so I have planted one of these roses in every home we have lived in.

Sunshine at Belton House a National Trust property.
Home Education has given us so much joy.

A lovely walk along our country lanes collecting wild flowers for pressing.

Poppies & Rape Seed.

My first attempt at cable stitch.
I knitted this for myself using a 1940's pattern.
The beautiful corsage if from Lucy at 1940's Style for You.

Baby Charlotte is growing up.

A beautiful day out at Clumber Park owned by the National Trust.

Celebrating the Queen's 90th birthday with a Victoria Sponge.

Teatime celebrations for the Queen.
The twins made some handmade decorations.

Making wholemeal hedgehog loaves.

Home School days.

Mid Summer in the garden.

Making the most of our homegrown rhubarb & strawberries.

A Home School day out to Church Farm Village in Lincolnshire.

The day finished with collecting shells on the beach.
A beautiful end to a perfect day.

Rock Buns & Victoria Sponge Cake.

Visiting Belton House again for a vintage day there & picnic.

Wartime Fruit Cake.

This recipe has now become a family favourite.
Its a wonderful little cake.

On the 1st of July we met our pen pals from America for the first time at Sherwood Forest.
It was a truly special day meeting this wonderful family, we are so blessed to have them in our lives.

Beautiful memories from Sherwood Forest.

Early morning light in the cottage garden.

Simple Daisies.

A perfect little wartime recipe.

Sausage Rolls for a picnic.

The twins started ballet & tap a few months ago & had such fun performing their first show.
It's a wonderful way for them to see their friends now they are home schooled.

Our daughter Daisy turned 17 on the 7th of July.
She chose a marble cake.

You can't keep Kitty out of a book especially The Famous Five.

Wartime Banana Cake for our wartime weekend picnic.

I knitted each of the twins a bolero using a 1950's pattern.
They were finished just in time for Woodhall Spa's 1940's Festival.

All dressed up for the forties festival.

Shopping 1940's style.

As the 1940's weekkend was just down the road we showed our 1939 Wolesley Ten.

We had such a wonderful weekend, the sun shone it was perfect.

Thank you dear readers for all your lovely comments.
Enjoy the rest of your Summertime.
Fondly Michelle


  1. What a absolutely lovely post. Your girls look so lovely. Oh how I wish I could be like you!

    Julie xxxxxxxx

  2. Hello, this is the first time I have seen a new post since I found your blog last week, so I am very excited! I love the bolero you knitted, it looks lovely in the photo of four of you at the 1940's festival. Baby Charlotte is so sweet! We are expecting our 2nd grand-daughter (5th grandchild) at Christmas and we can hardly wait. I love the photo of the Poppies, as our granddaughter's name is Poppy. I'd like to try the wartime cake recipes, they seem more healthy than modern ones. This weekend we are going to Upton House (National Trust) for a 1940's weekend. We've never been to anything like that before, but you have inspired us! I like to do knitting and crochet, but I haven't baked for a while, and you have inspired me to go back to baking. I've never really gardened though, that might be a new project for next spring. Our garden is all lawn with shrub borders, it might be nice to dig for victory! Many thanks for such a lovely post xx

    1. Oh yes Dig for Victory.
      Thank you for your lovely comment and enjoy your wartime weekend.
      Fondly Michelle

  3. Beautiful, beautiful post! I just love all that you share! Thank you for taking the time to do so! I also follow you on instagram and love all the photos there!

    1. Thank you Katy.
      Sorry for the short post. Xx

  4. A delightful post! You are an inspiration for us who delight in the old ways! Have a lovely day! Dianna

  5. Hello sweet friend! Oh, it's been far too long since I have come for a visit...how are you, dear one? From your post i would appear you are well and enjoying these delicious days of summer. It's hard to believe autumn is just around the corner.

    Your girls looks so charming and lovely and I especially like their summer hats.

    Thinking of you, dear friend, and wishing you a joyous month of August. Hugs!

    1. How lovely to read your comment, with home schooling the blog has suffered. Hope all is well with you, I need to have an op near the end of the month xx

  6. Another lovely post Michelle! I am so glad that home schooling is bringing such joy to all of you! I loved seeing all of your pictures! What a blessing to meet friends from America!

    Love, Heather

    1. Oh yes such a blessing. Patricia is my best friend. Xx

  7. Another lovely post Michelle! I am so glad that home schooling is bringing such joy to all of you! I loved seeing all of your pictures! What a blessing to meet friends from America!

    Love, Heather

    1. Yes such a blessing. Patricia is my best friend xx

  8. Such lovely photos and memories you have shared; I feel I've been transported to a magical time. The sweaters you have knitted are so beautiful. You did a great job with the cable stitch. And, thank for sharing some of your recipes. In going to try make the fruit cake. Enjoy your day, Pat xx

  9. I love your blog its so inspiring and always gets me in the mood for yet another baking session , Your children are beautiful and always dressed like i think little girls should be , It must have been a difficult decision to start home schooling I admire you for that xxx

    1. Thank you so much. You never know whether you make the right or wrong decisions in life but at the moment it seems so right xxx

  10. hello michelle,
    a lovely post full of inspirationen. love the yellow rose and your baking looks wonderful. love your blue bolero . also the boleros from the twins.
    thanks for sharing all the wonderful places that you have visited.....i like it very.
    have a nice time,

  11. Such a lovely post, full of all my favourite things including vintage and home baking. The hand knitted things are just lovely, I'm afraid I never progressed beyond squares and scarves :-)

    Home schooling is going to be such a good thing for the girls, and what a good idea to have them join Tap and Ballet classes and meet up with their friends there. The show looked wonderful. xx

    1. Thank you Sue.
      Home schooling the girls is giving us so many opportunities. Xx

  12. Dear Michelle, Thank you for another wonderful blog post, so inspiring. So sorry to hear you are not well, I pray everything goes well for you and you will be feeling better very soon. Looking forward to your next post. Sending love. Julie. Xx

    1. Thank you Julie. I'm not looking forward to being laid up for a while. Xx

    2. Dear Michelle. I have 3 slipped discs in my back and frequently need to lie down, it's so frustrating, but, you need to remember that it will only be for a short while, enjoy the "you" time, and relax. xx

  13. Lovely photos of all that you have been doing. As an ex teacher I commend your decision to home school, so many opportunities to work together as a family.

  14. Beautiful post, so uplifting. The twins are growing up so quickly, they look adorable for the 1940s event at Woodhall Spa, the boleros were a real delight.

  15. Nice to read your new post and thank you for your recipes, I am going to give them a try like I did with many others on your blog.
    I was wondering if your lovely twins ever object to wearing the same 'vintage-style' clothes. Do they never want more modern ones, like other children wear?
    Your granddaughter is a beautiful little girl!
    Kind Dutch regards

    1. No objections yet, it is their choice. We choose the pattern as they need to be quite simple & they choose the colour wool they would like. It's fun to go fabric & wool shopping with them. xx

  16. Hello Michelle, so lovely to see a new post from you. I do so enjoy seeing and reading all that you are doing. Whilst I know you must be very busy, I find your little blog very calming. Such a pleasure to be transported back into more gentler times. I too, will be trying your recipes for the two cakes. I smiled when I saw "gills of milk" I have my Mothers Common Sense Cookery Book from the 30s and gills of milk are in many of the recipes.
    I also remember my mother knitting me little boleros, mainly in angora wool when I was a little girl in the 50s. I remember the fibres always getting in my mouth.
    Thank you for your lovely post and I wish you well for your op.
    Blessings Gail.
    P.s. Here in our Australian garden, the jonquils, snow drops and daffodils are flowering getting ready for spring.

    1. Thank you Gail for your lovely comment, your childhood sounds lovely. I should have said that a gill is 1/4 of a pint but you will know that.
      Fondly Michelle

    2. thank you for clarifying the measurement. My granddaughter has a egg allergy so this recipe sounds idle. Love the posts, this is a nice calming blog.x

  17. Lovely post! Home school appears to be perfect for your family. I loved every minute of home schooling my two kids. Childhood lasted a bit longer also. Your photos and knitting are beautiful.

  18. What a treasure, reading your blog today was wonderful. Your twins are adorable & a delight to see so many photos. Michelle, your red polka dot dress is "smashing" & you look so pretty. I agree with Holly & others, your knitting is beautiful. Your little ones are blessed to have one on one direction & guidance. Sending you best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  19. Your blog reminds me of why I love the 40s so much! So glad to see a post from you and hope all is well.

  20. I've been reading your blog for a while now and find it reassuring to know that some young families appreciate the good things from the past. You are giving your children a foundation to choose their own way instead of going along blindly with advertising and peer pressure. Congratulations. May I ask where you got the lovely raglan sleeved bolero pattern please? I'd love to make it for a friends granddaughter - having only four grandsons myself I have annexed a granddaughter ;)

    1. Hello Susan, I found the pattern on Ebay.
      Fondly Michelle

  21. Hi Michelle

    A lovely happy post as usual and its lovely to see you teaching the girls embroidery. It is so wonderful to see. Are you going to teach them how to knit as well. I also love you bolero creations and your first attempt at cable. you are such a neat knitter. I am so pleased that the home schooling is working out well for you all. Sorry to hear that you are going to have to have a little op. hope it all goes well for you and hope that you are not out of action for too long. glad the girls have a lovely outlet in their dancing and taking part in shows as well as meeting up with their friends. just take care pattypan xx

    1. Thank you Patricia for your kind words.
      Fondly Michelle

    2. Thank you Patricia for your kind words.
      Fondly Michelle

  22. Good afternoon deareest, a lovely post. I'm glad to see you post here I found you on instagram. But I get so much more from your blog so thank you for taking the time to do so. Everything was wonderful. I enjoyed every photo. I want to try one of your wartime recipes, they always look and sound so lovely. Love your Yellow rose and yours and the girls boleros they look just beautiful.. Have a lovely day and wonderful weekend with love Janice

    1. Thank you Janice.
      Hope the wartime recipe goes well and you enjoy it xx

  23. Dear Michelle, So enjoyed your latest post and all your photos. The twins are growing so fast and look so sweet. I love to hear what you have all been up to and from the sounds of it you have been very busy. I am sure your home schooling will be a success. I will send prayers and hugs that your surgery will be a success and you will be feeling so much better.
    take care

  24. Love all the old recipies, Victoria sponge and rock buns were favourites growing up. Lovely pictures of you all. Pam in Norway

  25. Baby Charlotte is just adorable! Nice to view all your summer photos, and the twins are so cute. Lovely cardigan you've knitted. Thanks for sharing.
    P.S. I've had much trouble with my blog and am now at a new address. No longer at beechgreen.

  26. Your granddaughter is adorable! What joy she must bring you all.

    The boleros you knitted are beautiful! The picture of you, your husband and daughters looked like it came straight from the 1940's.

    I always enjoy your posts! : )


  27. Another lovely post, Michelle. Thank you for all the fun pictures. Charlotte is quite sweet! I really admire your knitting skills. Those bolero shrugs are very pretty. I look forward to trying the wartime recipes. Have a lovely week. :-)

  28. i really likes your blog and You have shared the whole concept really well. and Very beautifully soulful read! thanks for sharing.
